
The National Wholesale Price Index of Agricultural products on December 25, 2015 is higher than that of yesterday.

发布于2025-01-24 来源:农讯网: > 资讯 作者:未知
导读: According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture, the national wholesale price index of agricultural products was 201.95 on December 25, down 0.60 points from yesterday. Among them, the wholesale price index of vegetable basket products was 203.18, down 0.66 points from yesterday. As of 14: 00:00 today, pigs in the national agricultural products wholesale market

According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture, December 25-ldquo; National Wholesale Price Index of Agricultural products & rdquo; was 201.95, down 0.60 points from yesterday, of which, & ldquo; basket & rdquo; Wholesale Price Index was 203.18, down 0.66 points from yesterday.

As of 14: 00:00 today, the average price of pork in the national agricultural products wholesale market was 22.76yuan / kg (pork wholesale price index was 175.92), which was basically the same as yesterday.

Beef cost 54.19 yuan per kilogram, down 0.1% from yesterday.

Mutton 46.26 yuan / kg, down 0.4% from yesterday

Eggs cost 8.04 yuan per kilogram, up 0.2% from yesterday.

The white-striped chicken is 14.82 yuan per kilogram, up 1.4% from yesterday.

The average price of 28 kinds of vegetables monitored was 4.14 yuan / kg (vegetable wholesale price index was 227.14), down 0.5% from yesterday.

The average price of seven kinds of fruits monitored was 4.94 yuan / kg, up 0.8% from yesterday.

The average price of crucian carp was 14.26 yuan / kg, up 0.8% from yesterday.

Carp is 12.03 yuan per kilogram, up 1.2% from yesterday.

Silver carp is 7.24 yuan / kg, up 2.0% from yesterday.

The large belt fish is 28.75 yuan / kg, up 0.8% from yesterday.

Today, among the 60 varieties monitored in the domestic fresh agricultural products wholesale market, compared with yesterday, the top five price increases are: Jufeng grape, pineapple, pumpkin, silver carp and zucchini, with ranges of 3.1%, 2.9%, 2.8%, 2.0% and 1.7%, respectively. The top five price declines were Chinese cabbage, celery, lettuce, cauliflower and spinach, with ranges of 4.2%, 3.6%, 3.4%, 3.2% and 3.2%, respectively.

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