In 2015, veterinary departments at all levels closely revolved around the goal and task of "striving to ensure that there are no major animal epidemics in the region and no major incidents on the quality and safety of animal products", preventing the risk of animal diseases and strengthening the supervision of food safety of animal origin. Veterinary work has achieved remarkable results. The national veterinary system conscientiously organizes and implements the 2015 national plan for compulsory immunization, surveillance and epidemiological investigation of major animal diseases, strengthens disease surveillance, early warning and analysis, and strives to build a long-term mechanism for the prevention and control of animal diseases. By the end of November there had been no major regional animal epidemic in the country and remarkable results had been achieved in the pilot work on the prevention and control of key zoonotic diseases. Public health emergencies such as anthrax were dealt with quickly and the production safety and public health safety of the aquaculture industry were effectively guaranteed. The national veterinary system strictly controls the examination and approval of animal epidemic prevention conditions, animal quarantine and slaughtering and quarantine, strengthens the supervision, sampling and inspection of veterinary drugs, and severely crackdown on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts such as private slaughter and slaughtering. we will speed up the harmless treatment mechanism for sick and dead livestock and poultry. The over-standard rate of veterinary drug residues in animal products remained at a low level, and there were no major incidents of quality and safety of animal products in the country, which effectively ensured the food safety and ecological safety of animal origin. The license for the issuance of Veterinary Drug production license was devolved from the Ministry of Agriculture to the veterinary department at the provincial level, which achieved online examination and approval and improved the work efficiency and service level. We will continue to promote the system of licensed veterinary surgeons and for the first time open the qualification examination for licensed veterinary surgeons to Chinese citizens who are residents of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative regions. Various localities will speed up the transfer of pig slaughtering functions and speed up the improvement of the slaughtering supervision system. By the end of November, 30 provincial departments had completed the transfer of slaughtering supervision responsibilities, and the rate of adjustment of slaughtering supervision responsibilities at the municipal and county levels reached 94% and 87% respectively. A total of 1694 slaughterhouses that do not meet the requirements have been cleaned up nationwide, effectively purifying the market environment. During the 13th five-year Plan period, the national veterinary system will aim at promoting the healthy development of veterinary health, with "preventing risks, ensuring safety and promoting development" as the main line. Persisting in comprehensively improving the ability of veterinary health risk control in the whole chain from breeding to slaughtering as the main direction, comprehensively improving the efficiency of veterinary system as the core task, comprehensive reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, and comprehensively promoting industrial development as the key measure to promote the modernization of veterinary supervision system and service capacity. To better protect the development of modern aquaculture and the people's "safety on the tip of the tongue" to make a positive contribution.
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